Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Do NOT whip your hair back and forth...

After our Notting Hill experience, we made a fantastic meal of homemade mashed potatoes and barbeque pork chops. And to top off the great day, Katie and I had a dance party or disco, right here in the living room. Our theme song for the trip has been the Willow Smith tune, "I Whip My Hair Back and Forth". It's catchy and fun and for some reason we managed to get it stuck in our heads walking around London. Well, we took the song a bit far while dancing and now Katie has a whiplash...

The next day Miss Katie was in pain. She now sleeps with her handy neck pillow every night and fortunately had some nausea medicine to help with the side effects. Apparently whipping your hair and back and forth repeatedly can cause the following: disorientation, neck pain, back pain, flu-like body aches, fatigue, nausea, and possible whip lash. This is the 'Katie and Stephanie disclaimer' stating that these symptoms can become severe or worsen if the above song is played on repeat.

Katie continues to improve every day. We'll continue to keep you updated on her progress.

We took a small tour that afternoon. Not sure how much Katie remembers, but we had lots of fun learning some of the history of London. This was once a very brutal place where they put traitors' heads on the city gates...Gross. We visited St. Paul's Cathedral and marvelled at the great dome and architecture; however, a little creeped out by the famous dead bodies buried everywhere within the church. Katie's great (times eleven) uncle or cousin, the great Duke of Wellington was there.

Next, we went to the Tower of London to see the famous crown jewels. They were sparkly and beautiful...the weather was really cold and rainy that day so all we could think about was getting some hot coffee and food. We went to Starbucks after the tour and headed home so Katie could grab her neck pillow and recuperate. I repeat, do not whip your hair back and forth. Bad things can happen.

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